فارسی عربي

Iran hot season box office rakes 610 billion Rials: report

Iran domestic box office succeeds to rake 610 billion rials as total sale for summer.

Iran domestic box office has succeeded to rake 610 billion rials as total sale for summer, a local media report says.

A Friday report said that in the hottest season of the year Iran box office sale was totally different from the previous season.  

A total of 22 movies were screened in the domestic cinema theaters during the season with the total sale of 610 billion rials. Half of this amount belongs to ‘Millipede’, the report says.

According to the report, the best-selling movies of this summer are ‘Millipede’, directed by Abolhassan Davoodi with the total sale of 350 billion rials, ‘The lost Strait’ by Bahram Tavakoli, 42 billion Rials, and ‘Woman’s Enemy’, directed by Karim Amini, 40 Billion rials.

A simple analysis of Iran box office sale during summer shows that comedy is so capable of attracting the attention of cinemagoers that people from different ages attend the cinema theaters to laugh.  

